Mobility Arts?
Adversity is an opportunity UNLOCK an individual’s potential.
Youth classes form strong, brave, and resilient people.
Mobile joints are your foundation, ANYONE can move dynamically.
Our Classes
Youth Parkour
Dynamic Mobility
(All Ages)
Someone seeking a sport that cultivates both athletic prowess and character development.
Someone impressed by extreme sports on social media, who wants to learn these skills in a controlled and safe environment.
Someone who is highly energetic but may not fit well with team sports or the combative nature of Martial Arts.
Join a weekly class dedicated to exercise and Parkour.
15 minutes: Warmup and instruction
30 minutes: Technique 1
30 minutes: Technique 2
15 minutes: Review and reflection on our lessons.
Someone curious to explore more creative and engaging ways to exercise.
Someone looking to break free from routine and embrace a new perspective.
Someone aiming to expand their athletic abilities with a new physical challenge.
Someone seeking personal development in discipline, self-motivation, and courage through their physical activities.
Someone learning to learn to use their body and strengthen their joints.
Work on mobility with some dynamic stretches and joint-strengthening exercises, then finish it up with some play based cardio
45 minutes: Dynamic Mobility Exercises
45 minutes: Play Cardio
4 Class Package
Bundle 4 classes together for extra savings redeemable for ANY class.
$25 a class!
8 Class Package
Bundle 8 classes together for extra savings redeemable for ANY class.
$20 a class!
Parkour Summer Camp
Elevate your summer with 5 days of 3 hour classes for students ages 9-14.
$40 a day!