Discover Mobility

Mobility Arts are a variety of disciplines that strengthen mind, body, and character.

In the same way that sparing with a partner in Martial Arts converts combat to personal growth, Mobility Arts turns the environment into your training partner creating challenges to overcome for personal development.

The Mobility Art I practice is Parkour, misunderstood as an extreme sport for thrill seekers, instead it's a discipline approachable by everyone.

After 11 years, Parkour has shaped who I am for the better.

Practicing Dynamic Mobility has allowed my joints to be stronger than ever and along this journey have implemented many valuable training regiments that scale to any level of joint ability.

I’d be honored to teach you these lessons.


Is this safe?

Mobility Arts are not inherently safe or dangerous, they it can ABSOLUTELY be practiced safely at many levels of difficulty. These classes guides safe practice while using instructor intervention to prevent unnecessary risk.

Is this a sport?

Mobility Arts are a collection of disciplines, most comparable to Martial Arts practice. There are many competitions, some with peer or team competitive elements, but many practitioners will never engage with them.

Is this supposed to be scary, hard, or a fun activity?

This can be many things but it IS what you make it. Personally, use Mobility Arts as a fun way to stay active and motivated with my health while challenging myself with obstacles that are within my physical abilities but appear scary.

Is this for everyone?

YES! There are practitioners around the world of all shapes, sizes, abilities, and disabilities.

At KMA we meet you at your physical ability and grow from there.

The fundamental challenges of Mobility Arts are internal and scale to all levels of ability. Practitioners of all skill levels can deeply empathize with the struggles of beginners, as they continue to confront the same internal battles.

Have you seen the office?

Yes… Yes, I have.